Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A New Journey
Why have I chosen to call this blog, that I hope to post to consistently, called A New Journey?
In short, I spent almost 20 years in the world of Engineering, where I learned a great deal about the work place, about people and about business.  I also learned that what was a passion for drawing and creating illustrations for science fiction and fantasy worlds, somehow was transformed into a career in Instrumentation and Controls Engineering, which in short had nothing to do with drawing, illustration or fantasy.
In January 2010, I was laid off from the company that I first truly started out with, and had returned to after an 8 year field construction and plant maintenance stint. Experiencing what was the third lay-off in a 18 year career with an industry that is quite volatile and unstable (referring to Chemical Manufacturing and Oil/Gas Refining), I decided that I needed to reevaluate my life choices in terms of a career. I needed to return to my roots, of art, of creating and freeing myself from the pigeon hole I had found myself in.
I chose to go back to school and nurture my passion for movies, TV and video games, more specifically in the military history, science fiction and fantasy genres. Thus I began a New Journey, changing careers, or at least in the process thereof, and utilize my gifts, passions and love of creating worlds, writing about them and to eventually produce them in media. I hope you can join me as I will address many aspects of this journey, from the process of reeducation, finding my place among a new group of professionals, accepting challenges and overcoming obstacles that a middle aged father of five finds himself in where most of his colleages at this moment are 20 years his junior.
Thanks for Reading,
Dwight Jeffress aka “Andromahkos”

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